2018 Turkey Trot

Last week we had our annual Turkey Trot, and it was a huge success! We were so proud of our students who were voted in as the royal court of kindness! Students had a blast doing different turkey activities including the Wishbone Relay, a “Thankful Web” expressing what students are thankful for with strings, Stuff Turkey with paper, and a Turkey Mural on which they traced their thankful hands!

They then ate a yummy Thanksgiving lunch with their families followed by a free turkey raffle where we gave out 22 turkeys! Later, everyone ran laps in the turkey trot and received prizes! At the end of the day, students played in a family soccer game, and students in grades 2–5 participated in soccer drills with instructors from the Phoenix Rush soccer club which will be offering a soccer club in the spring! It was a great way to send everyone off to celebrate a happy Thanksgiving with their families!